Extreme Survival Minetest server

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Fri Mar 18, 2016 01:58

Found the crash in HHHenzo's house. Loop in power outlet and detector. RND, you need to make these machines n00b pr00f. LOL
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2016-03-17 21:48:58: ACTION[Server]: ADMIN [] joins game.
2016-03-17 21:48:58: ACTION[Server]: ADMIN joins game. List of players: ADMIN
2016-03-17 21:49:42: ACTION[Server]: ADMIN places node basic_machines:outlet at (16,-3,209)
2016-03-17 21:49:43: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'basic_machines' in callback LuaABM::trigger(): ...s\extreme_survival\mods\basic_machines/technic_power.lua:72: attempt to compare nil with number
2016-03-17 21:49:43: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2016-03-17 21:49:43: ERROR[Main]:    ...s\extreme_survival\mods\basic_machines/technic_power.lua:72: in function 'action_on'
2016-03-17 21:49:43: ERROR[Main]:    ...\..\games\extreme_survival\mods\basic_machines/mover.lua:854: in function <...\..\games\extreme_survival\mods\basic_machines/mover.lua:785>
2016-03-17 21:49:43: ACTION[Server]: ADMIN leaves game. List of players:



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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Fri Mar 18, 2016 23:52

Added three more potions to make mining useful again.
Aikerum Potion: Add to any diamond tool to convert to aikerum tool, great to harvest handles or mining.
Ruby Potion: Add to your fancy armour to heal 100%
Emerald Potion: Mix with messemese to craft 9 mese crystals, this speeds production greatly.

added simple crushing furnace, you use this to make the special dusts from aikerum, ruby, and emerald.

Crafting the potions is simple:
one glass vessel, 1 dust, one flowing flowing water.
flowing water is from cooked ice.
ice can be crafted with 9 snow.

Updated with TenPlus1's Farming REDO because IT IS AWESOME!

added doggie / wolf, use raw meat to tame. --request from asia14. ;-)
added annoying bat (paniki) a miniturised Paniki from minetest defense game.
added and updated all cow, sheep, chicken from TenPlus1's mobs redo.
removed all MC like mobs.
tweaked spawning, nighttime can be laggy, but this is EXTREME SURVIVAL deal with it. craft indoors or something.
There are a butt-load of mobs ALL with unique drops and traits. This is what makes esmobs awesome!!!

same, just need to craft a handle in order to make the awesome tools. Got to make it hard.

You can make dry_dirt, mud, and bone block. Why not.

Stairs can be made from dirt and all es blocks- for the most part.

The What block (clear funny looking block) is realy a random tool / gift generator, punch it for the reward. Can be crfted by 9 depleted uranium ingots.

Depleted uranium ingots are also a long lasting fuel source, save your coal!!!

Updated all default mods like doors, default, dye, walls, etc to prepare for the 4.14 migration.

Actually, I tweak things so much and change to make better, it really is difficult to keep a good log.

More to come, just trying to find balance between difficult and easy.
Last edited by maikerumine on Sat Mar 19, 2016 15:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Sat Mar 19, 2016 00:08


As of Next Saturday 2016 03 26 @ 0000 Eastern Standard timezone
Extreme Survival will be removing the bags from the game and do monthly player profile deletions to make the server better.

REASON: The player folder accrues scores of thousands of profiles and adds to the time to archive the game, adds time to read and write the files, and really adds to clutter on the server.

I never wanted the bags, I always wanted a "simple server" where you maintain your items and use chests exclusively. The bags promotes lazy gameplay and detracts from the penalty of death, which contradicts my vision for a difficult, yet fun server.

In exactly one week they will be deleted, and any items you may have in them will be deleted also.

Last edited by maikerumine on Sat Mar 19, 2016 15:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by BBmine » Sat Mar 19, 2016 14:26

maikerumine wrote:As of Next Saturday 2016 03 25 @ 0000 Eastern Standard timezone

That's either next Friday or the 26.
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Sat Mar 19, 2016 15:36

SOKOBAN has been added

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by BlueFireIceUn » Sat Mar 19, 2016 21:06

ADMIN , I found out a bug with mario game. When you jump many times in one of the corner, I went through the gme so I had mario power (jump higher, feather falling, slowness...) just telling lol
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by snowflake » Mon Mar 21, 2016 18:34

Maiku , some stuff are added up more than a stack ( more than 99)

thinks its a bug

and can u add this mod as decortive , i think it would be nice for our project 'roller coaster '

it not making anything easy , it is only survival TEST server called Gabo TEST server
-download link- https://github.com/GaboXandre/trongrid/ ... master.zip
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by BBmine » Mon Mar 21, 2016 22:50

snowflake wrote:Maiku , some stuff are added up more than a stack ( more than 99)

thinks its a bug

and can u add this mod as decortive , i think it would be nice for our project 'roller coaster '

it not making anything easy , it is only survival TEST server called Gabo TEST server
-download link- https://github.com/GaboXandre/trongrid/ ... master.zip

Maike made ingots and some other things stackable to 999.
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Mon Mar 21, 2016 22:56

BBmine wrote:
snowflake wrote:Maiku , some stuff are added up more than a stack ( more than 99)

thinks its a bug

and can u add this mod as decortive , i think it would be nice for our project 'roller coaster '

it not making anything easy , it is only survival TEST server called Gabo TEST server
-download link- https://github.com/GaboXandre/trongrid/ ... master.zip

Maike made ingots and some other things stackable to 999.


This make admin job easier at the shops.

BTW more nodes have been added. :-)

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by DuDraig » Tue Mar 22, 2016 02:29

I've held off reporting a few issues since you had your hands full with the server problems. Now that those seem to have mostly settled, I'll give you a small list.
  • Beds no longer act as the respawn point when you die. Instead, you respawn at the global spawn point.
  • The dirt road recipe is missing.
  • The purpellium sword seems quite underpowered with a shorter lifetime than the blue gem sword.
  • All sorts of mobs can again do damage through the infinium armor, not just the few that are supposed to like the infinium monster.
  • A well-lit area does not keep the new bat-like mobs at bay.
That's it for now. I've been busy excavating for some orchards so I haven't yet had time to play with much of the new stuff.

BTW: About the Android client disconnects and crashes; It only happens in my house, the basement, or in Spawn town. It does not happen down in my mine or out in the fields or the wild. However, it has not happened at all the last two times I've been on with the Android client.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by DuDraig » Tue Mar 22, 2016 04:11

Concerning the intention to remove inventory bags, I believe you will find this to be a big mistake on this kind of server.

Eliminating bags is just fine on games like the basic Minetest game where there are not a lot of tools, materials, and ores to overflow the inventory but, in games with many more provided by mods like moreores, the basic inventory is quickly overloaded during even the simplest of mining tasks.

Consider the numbers: You have 32 inventory slots with 8 available for in-hand use and 24 for carry-only. There are 21 different ores and stones that can be mined. Add to this the tools, light sources, and food needed to mine and you have little room left to store the cobble accumulated while mining. Without bags, you would have to return to a bank of chests way too often to dump the cobble, trade and re-craft tools, replenish food, and manage ore storage.

There is a critical gameplay difference between challenge and drudgery. Challenge is what makes gameplay interesting and entertaining, and drudgery is just boring mind-numbing work. Some drudgery is necessay to increase the value of tasks with a cost in time and non-challenging effort, but an over abundence of drudgery is not challenging and destroys gameplay.

I belive that you currently have the correct balance between the challenge of gathering and using materials and the drudgery of managing the inventory to hold and use them with the current bag system. Without the current bags, most of your time would be taken up running back to chests to dump and trade items. This would destroy gameplay without improving the challenge at all.

I've seen this tried successfully on games with smaller ore and material counts but I've never seen it succeed on games like this. They have always been forced to bring the bags back.

An alternate solution that has been successful is to make crafting the bags much more challenging. The Xanadu server is one good example. You have to harvest cow hides to make the bags and the hide cost increases exponentially to craft the higher level bags (There are four levels, each with one additional row of storage cells.). It takes a lot of effort and time (and a species-culling amount of cows) to craft the top level bags, but it is reasonably easy for a noob to craft a first level bag.

The extreme danger on this server, wandering about to find critter materials, would make this even more challenging. You could make this unique to this server by specifying hides from one or more dangerous mobs instead of farm animals like cows or pigs. Even needing materials from far more dangerous mobs to craft the higher level bags. Could be fun. ;)

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by 843jdc » Tue Mar 22, 2016 07:35

My two cents:
I agree. Doing away with bags on a server with lots of stuff and likely more to come will be a mistake.

Making larger bags out of more exotic materials is an interesting twist. Maybe wipe out everybody's bags this weekend and do this hehe >:)

If deleting 'old' player files causes players that haven't played in a long time to complain, how about limiting the number of accounts that someone can have per IP address? Say no more than two. If that don't work, then delete 'old' accounts. If players don't play for a long time and return to find their items carried missing, guess what? That's too bad! Players can always log in for a few seconds each month or so and log right back out again to keep their file active.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Tue Mar 22, 2016 12:51

My reasoning is simple.
Bags allow one to hoarde items and they are protected in death. The challenge drops significantly because even in death you still have all those items.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Tue Mar 22, 2016 13:47

After some thought, I do like the idea of recrafting to make expensive. This would mean all existing bags are grandfathered in, therefore would need to be deleted to make way for new bags if implemented.

I just really think better chest management and travel should be a part of difficult gameplay. I never knew bags would save items in death, if I looked into this I would have never added them.

More on sxerver:

Purpellium has 500 use but at 8 damage, this seems like it wears out faster, I can maybe tweak the tools for better result.
The beds! I know right! One good thing is anybody can use the bed, but no respawn is BAD BAD BAD. I will roll back old beds tonight. Sorry, I figured newer meant better, but not in this case.

Mobs and armour.. I want some damage with infinium armour, it cannot be too easy.
Bats, I will tweak spawning and damage and hp, maybe 2 hits should kill since they are so small. The thing with bats is they spawn in dark sky above light and fly down. I will change hp so they die quicker in light.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by rnd » Tue Mar 22, 2016 17:17

A.BAGS there are several other (doable) options to preserve gameplay and not make it too unrealistic:
1.bags drop on death and are saved inside bones
2. when you die you have to pay some penalty (depending on what was in the bag - like maybe recover your bones + extra fine) before you can use bags again, otherwise bags inaccessible for say 1 week or something
3.player inventory is increased (now 8*4 = 32, could be more)

B. player accounts:
its possible to measure how long player is on server and you can do: if player on server less than maybe 10 minutes ( total time together) then just remove account, dont save it. This would eliminate all of those "ill just check this server to see if i like it" accounts. Also those "GuestXXXX" accounts should be given warning to choose proper name, cause they wont be saved.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by BBmine » Wed Mar 23, 2016 13:34

843jdc wrote:If deleting 'old' player files causes players that haven't played in a long time to complain, how about limiting the number of accounts that someone can have per IP address? Say no more than two.

There might be more than two people per IP.
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by snowflake » Wed Mar 23, 2016 21:15

HI, Maiku , I can't Play in this lag..........,

Every single time i open my chest takes 5 seconds ...

i think its because u have lot of account , which is saved and not playing

DELETE , the player files which are not playing like 1 month ago , i see lot of people create account and leave them

so plz reduce lag ;(
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by Fixerol » Wed Mar 23, 2016 21:44

i think its because u have lot of account , which is saved and not playing

No, it was fixed (player data is loaded only on player join) and it should not affect lag in any way. So no need to remove player profiles every time.

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Timeout bug

by 843jdc » Wed Mar 23, 2016 22:11

I timed out while starting to work on a marble and granite retaining wall. When I logged back in, I was dead. No creatures or players around to have killed me. When I returned from spawn, i discovered that I had no bones!

I lost a lot of marble and granite. I am NOT happy about that. At least I didn't lose what little I had in bags. haha
Mining without those bags would have been a pain. IMHO, far too much stuff in the ground to not have them.

You have a bug to fix :)

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Re: Timeout bug

by maikerumine » Thu Mar 24, 2016 00:16

843jdc wrote:I timed out while starting to work on a marble and granite retaining wall. When I logged back in, I was dead. No creatures or players around to have killed me. When I returned from spawn, i discovered that I had no bones!

I lost a lot of marble and granite. I am NOT happy about that. At least I didn't lose what little I had in bags. haha
Mining without those bags would have been a pain. IMHO, far too much stuff in the ground to not have them.

You have a bug to fix :)

Crap... seems like mad server lag makes us all die and respawn without bones. I will reimburse you your granite and marble, send pm on quantity, so I don't search the debug log. ;-)

This is the biggest bug I need to squish and have NO idea why it happens.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Thu Mar 24, 2016 00:16



BEDS FIXED--rolled back to beds that actually save spawn point.
Added crafts for granite brick, made the texture myself ;-)
Added marble, granite to circular saw--843jdc request.
Updated RND's machines- farming is full on again, grinder is in full swing, and there is nothing these machines cannot do! Okay, they don't fold laundry, but that is what the floor is for eh? ;-)
Updated inventory plus, TenPlus1's latest update with trash can.
Redid cblocks, now you can make stairs and slabs!
Made bats weaker.
All purpellium tools last WAY longer like they should, and are stronger.
Added screwdriver, this tool will out last ALL other screwdrivers, request by--- I forgot, but I notice!

LAGGING again, Wife is sick and watching Netflix so that is that. Sorry!

Here is the scoop, you have a few more days to use them then unload EVERYTHING into your chests. Tey are removed this Saturday at 0000 EASTERN TIME. We will see a server performance gain as read/ write isn't so much, bags act like chests but in player conf files, more data to read. Theory.

One week later Special bags will be added, they will be VERY expensive and you all MUST pay to play.

Deletion of bags is mainly because it makes things easier, lazier, and not survival much in my opinion. We will see what happens in a week time, and I ADMIN (me) feels like it, then re-load a special bags mod that I maniacally coded your displeasure. ;-)

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by 843jdc » Thu Mar 24, 2016 06:14

Cutting granite and marble on a circular saw that is designed for cutting lumber. Hmmm, Ok haha. I think rnd needs to make a CNC milling machine for stonework :)

I see that the 'world edit' button is finally gone. Good. I played around with wolrd edit on a server I set up. Whoever made that mod needs to work on it some more.

New bags: I look forward to doing what it required to make them and then putting them to good use :)

Everything else: I'll just have to play and find out how they do.

Fun time. Bye!

PS. I hope the wife gets well soon. Time for you to make her breakfast in bed ;) Lunch and dinner too xD

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by snowflake » Thu Mar 24, 2016 16:12

maikerumine wrote:[b][size=150][color=#800000]UPDATE:

One week later Special bags will be added, they will be VERY expensive and you all MUST pay to play.

hi Maiku , so u mean , we have to pay to join the server? ;( ??
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by snowflake » Thu Mar 24, 2016 16:12

maikerumine wrote:
One week later Special bags will be added, they will be VERY expensive and you all MUST pay to play.

hi Maiku , so u mean , we have to pay to join the server? ;( ??
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Thu Mar 24, 2016 16:32

snowflake wrote:
maikerumine wrote:
One week later Special bags will be added, they will be VERY expensive and you all MUST pay to play.

hi Maiku , so u mean , we have to pay to join the server? ;( ??


ESM is always Free and 23.70/7

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by snowflake » Thu Mar 24, 2016 17:03

Hi Maiku ,

like 843jdc , i got teleported , and i collected some blue berries from there , i got died by tnt sound , there was no tnt there , i lost some things , my bone was there , but i cant go there back , can u do something plz?
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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Thu Mar 24, 2016 22:40

snowflake wrote:Hi Maiku ,

like 843jdc , i got teleported , and i collected some blue berries from there , i got died by tnt sound , there was no tnt there , i lost some things , my bone was there , but i cant go there back , can u do something plz?

Tree monsters explode! go git your bones... if they are there.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by maikerumine » Thu Mar 24, 2016 22:42

UPDATED, more things added to make life easier and harder. Click link to see post.

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by DuDraig » Fri Mar 25, 2016 05:17

I'm looking forward to the new bags. As an experiment, I've spent the last few days with empty bags and It's just as bad as I thought. Especially when you're exploring. You can't get very far before your inventory fills up.

maikerumine wrote:Tree monsters explode! go git your bones... if they are there.

They explode??!! I betcha they're pine tree monsters. Typical authorities covering up bone-stealing exploding pine tree monsters. I think they've been eating cows too (grin).

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Re: Extreme Survival Minetest server

by snowflake » Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:57

Hi Maiku,

I can't connect to server

''inztaling nodes 65%''

and minetest closes automactily , its not a problem with my wi-fi , i can connect to other server but not yours ;P
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