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Help with cart

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 17:20
by crazy_baboon
Hi guys,

I remenber a few years ago there was a mod featuring a rail cart that when you jumped on it, it just started to ride (with the user on it). Now on 0.4.15 we have to paddle and it's not automatic anymore. Maybe you need powerails or so. Anyway, i much appreciate the simplicity of the initial self-propelled rail cart design! Anyone knows if the self-propelling cart can still be found?


Re: Help with cart

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 22:10
by ExeterDad
I like the carts. They look and sound nice. We run solid power rail. No .need to punch to keep moving.

Re: Help with cart

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:17
by Wuzzy
Carts are now a core part of Minetest Game 0.4.15, no additional mods required. I recommend you disable all external cart mods you may have activated. There may be some conflict otherwise.

Minetest Game 0.4.15 has a rail type called “powered rail” which will accellerate the cart when it runs over it.

Re: Help with cart

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 16:04
by crazy_baboon
For the record, I found how to get the classic cart behaviour back. It's the carts-old mod, found at viewtopic.php?t=2451. You can only use up to version 0.4.14 of minetest to run this mod.

Again, what I like about the classic cart behaviour is its simplicity - you get on the cart and it automaticaly starts to ride. You get off the cart it stops riding. Briliant simplicity.
With the newer implementation of carts mod, in addition to the normal rails you also need to craft power rails, or else padling you won't go far and you cannot enjoy the view (since you have to padle facing down). I don't get what is fun about the newer implementation of carts. What does it bring that it's new to gameplay? In my opinion it is more of a pain in the neck having to craft power rails, brake rails, mase fragments...