How to fill the Inventory with a huge/max of items ?

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IRC: glut32

How to fill the Inventory with a huge/max of items ?

by glut32 » Fri Feb 10, 2017 14:18

Hi all,

I have a flickering bug when I want to open/walk-trough the inventory with the DreamBuilder Mod with the last git source code of the C++ Engine. And I would like to check if the bug is from the C++ code or from the lua mod unified_inventory (I'm not here to blame someone). I would like to use the inventory++ mod but when I enable this mod, the inventory contains only one item. I would like to have ~26 pages in inventory++ or in another inventory like with DreamBuilder Mod (and his unified_inventory). My goal is to check if the flickering will continue to exist with a huge pages/quantity of items.

Does someone can help me?

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