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Extreme Survival segfaults server

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 17:00
by Biggvs_Richardvs
Running extreme survival subgame, Other subgames seem to do ok, so I'm posting here as it seems to be specific to this game. I have a lot of mods install

Everything's pretty normal until this:

2016-03-31 09:50:20: ACTION[Server]: Biggvs joins game. List of players: Biggvs
[mg_villages] Will create villages of the following types: return {"cornernote", "taoki", "modern_houses", "medieval", "tent", "ruins", "charachoal", "gambit", "lumberjack", "claytrader", "nore", "logcabin"}
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

$ minetestserver --version
Minetest 0.4.13-dev-e72b8f2
Build info: VER=0.4.13-dev-e72b8f2 BUILD_TYPE=Release RUN_IN_PLACE=0 USE_GETTEXT=1 USE_SOUND=1 USE_CURL=1 USE_FREETYPE=1 USE_LUAJIT=1 STATIC_SHAREDIR="/usr/local/share/minetest"

Using a pretty recent dev build, so that may explain it. Not necessarily looking for a fix, just thought I should post it. Keeps happening on this subgame. Lord of the test seems to run fine mostly.

Re: Extreme Survival segfaults server

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 23:42
by maikerumine

thank you for the feedback!!

Try this build:
located here:

All current new versions of MT are pretty crappy when it comes to mapgen memory leaks.
If this does not fix the problem, do these things:
Start your world by yourself and fly around making the map villages and paths, most likely the game will seg fault.

Option two, remove paths and villages and re try.

If still crash then remove tsm mines.

In my experience, all these map changing mods are too much for the engine. :( we are talking about 100-140mb memory problem, which is silly considering our machines have at least four times this when running MT>

I just updated the git a few minutes ago, F.Y.I.

I hope these suggestions help, as it was a nightmare to get my server running "okay".

Re: Extreme Survival segfaults server

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 16:45
by Biggvs_Richardvs
Thanks you for that. Also, is there a way to make Extreme Survival well a little less.....extreme? I'm up for a challenge, but there comes a time where it starts to feel a little pointless.

I think that's what minetest really needs - a little bit of plot/storyline. Even if it's just, "survive the first wave, and you can start building up fortifications just before the next wave arrives." In this case, it seems to be a never ending tidal wave and starts to feel a bit futile after a while.

I don't mean to complain about the free subgame I got for zero dollars that someone else built ;)

I'm just wondering if there are settings that can be tweaked to make it a little more playable.