[Mod] Item drops, key-triggered item pickups [item_pickup]

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[Mod] Item drops, key-triggered item pickups [item_pickup]

by texmex » Wed Mar 08, 2017 09:21

I came across a key-triggered item_drop-like mod in the now defunct Minetest TNG subgame by LNJ. I quite liked it, so I extracted into its own mod. It's a scavenge in progress but fully functional, even on servers. Licenses need to be put in there, I just need to track them down.

How it works
As any other variant of the original item_drop by PilzAdam, the mod drops items on dig if setting enable_item_drop is set to true and removes dropped items in-world after a set number of seconds, defined in setting remove_items. It also pulls item to the players inventory, but only if AUX1 key is pressed (defaults to E key). This is useful in multiplayer when collaborating and so on.

Download (zip)
I spend all my days going down to the mines. Under the ground where the sun never shines. Breaking my back I put heat in your house. I’ve got the roar of a digtron, the breath of a mouse.

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Re: [Mod] Item drops, key-triggered item pickups [item_picku

by DS-minetest » Fri Mar 10, 2017 16:41

Do not call me -minetest.
Call me DS or DS-minetest.
I am German, so you don't have to pm me English if you are also German.
The background is a lie.

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