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Your links look suspicious... use an uploading service like omploader . ;) If you want your mod to be moved in Mod Releases, don't forget to set a license to your mod (if you don't care about what people will do with your mod, use WTFPL license). is a website I own, so I typically up...
by superpotatoes1989
Sat Aug 11, 2012 18:39
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] Charcoal Mod [0.1] [charcoal]
Replies: 7
Views: 2678

[Mod] Charcoal Mod [0.1] [charcoal]

This is a simple mod I made that adds charcoal into the game along with some crafting options for it. Charcoal is created by putting wood logs into a furnace, and one wood log gives four charcoal. Charcoal can be used to create torches just like regular coal. It also has several crafting options as ...
by superpotatoes1989
Fri Aug 10, 2012 17:05
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] Charcoal Mod [0.1] [charcoal]
Replies: 7
Views: 2678

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