[Server] TerraQuest [beta]

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[Server] TerraQuest [beta]

by BrandonReese » Sat Dec 17, 2016 22:23

Nobody knows what happened... This world was once a utopia but is now under a curse. Death enter the world and through death evil creatures began roaming the land, magic flows through the air, and strange powerful beings have started appearing out of nowhere. Are there here to help or to harm?


This is a game I have been working on for a while. I used Adventuretest (https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=9184) as the foundation so the basics are the same (you have to gain experience to grow your crafting, smelting, magic, etc...). This getting started video applies pretty well to TerraQuest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PExDmb0hZRs

There are villages to explore and pillage, villagers to interact with, dungeons full of treasure, and quests. One of the main things I'm still trying to work out is a mechanism to tell the story which in turn will help lead the players to various quests and help them progress through the game.

I won't give much away here. Join the server and explore for a while. There are quite a few surprises I hope you'll discover and enjoy.

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It's also in the server list as TerraQuest

You can discuss the game here or in IRC at #terraquest

Posts: 2980
Joined: Sun Sep 09, 2012 17:31

Re: [Server] TerraQuest [beta]

by Sokomine » Thu Dec 22, 2016 04:53

I really love Adventuretest - but: The server needs a lot more work.

The first problem is: Connection. It's slow. Please reduce the amount of nodes/textures/sounds/whatever for faster load. This world is focussed on adventure; less on building. There do not need to be so many mods installed providing extended building material. Far less shapes are sufficient for the circular saw.

Joining is life-threatening. When I first joined, connection took so long that I died immediately. That apparently happened to other players as well. While that shadowy world was quite strange and intresting to explore, finding a way back to the "living" world was tricky.

There are reports of people in RL *not* having been killed by lighting. I know it's amazing; but the human race somehow made it. Some survived. With the frequency of lighting strikes to players on the server (at least I guess it's supposed to be lighting), humanity wouldn't have made it.

Spawning has to happen inside a village. That prevents players from beeing killed by mobs when not even beeing able to interact due to their clients still beeing busy.

The blacksmiths need to be sent back to school again. They mostly say "I can't find a furnace" even if one is placed directly in front of their face. And when one blacksmith finally managed to locate his deliberately placed furnace, all blacksmiths refused to show their formspec to me from thereon. I got neither my lumps nor any ingots back.

The locked chest-quest ought to be changed. Clay for a bowl is not exactly available in huge quantities for easy grab next to the starting village. The old wooden bool was fine. The wooden water bucket is of course great as well. Perhaps let the mob ask for the new wooden bucket instead of a clay bowl. Getting wheat is also tricky as the landscape is of a rather snowy kind around the village where the players appear.

The protection system is broken. Landrush and the villages' protection system do not mix. Keep your Landrush mod for the other servers - builders will enjoy it there. Or make sure it doesn't work if one corner of the area is within the boundaries of a village. Also, villages do come with an allmende now. That's an area where all players are supposed to be able to grow plants or trees for survival. Historicly, such an allmende was a place shared by the entire village for e.g. feeding their cattle. Villagers ought to tolerate player operations inside that area. Also, leaves and snow are supposed to be free-to-take as those may block entrance (and, honestly, who'd mind visitors picking up a handful of snow?).
A list of my mods can be found here.

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