16^3-Cube Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

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16^3-Cube Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

by SegFault22 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:10

I am looking for a mod that allows protecting chunks of land in exactly 16^3-sized cubes, where all 12 edges are perfectly aligned with the actual world chunk edges regardless of where the player is standing when the chunk is claimed (except they must be in the chunk, of course - how else does the mod identify which chunk to protect?)

The purpose is for my server, so that players can protect areas in a sane fashion, and they don't end up with oddly misaligned areas when a region gets crowded with different peoples' areas. For example, most servers use a different system where you can protect an area of pretty much any size; near spawn, you will see gaps between areas in some places, and unusually thin areas where players have claimed space between other areas just to have a place closer to spawn (or whatever else in the region may be of interest, if it isn't near spawn; such as a town far away from spawn)

I have seen some mod which allows players to claim areas 16 nodes "wide" and 16 nodes "long", but I doubt this is perfectly aligned with the real chunk system because the height of the claimed area is hard-coded into the mod, usually having a value not equal to 16. For my purpose, the protection system must be perfectly aligned with the chunk system.

Is this even possible, or am I mistaken? If it is possible and a mod for it doesn't exist, I may look into trying to make a mod for it when I finish my other projects, and this will further delay the creation of my server. If a mod for this does exist, please let me know about it so that it may be introduced to public knowledge and made available for me and others to use within servers.

thank you
Last edited by SegFault22 on Wed Aug 24, 2016 04:53, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

by cx384 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 11:15

Can your read this?

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Re: Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

by twoelk » Sat Aug 20, 2016 14:09

"Land Rush" does exactly what you want

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Re: Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

by Ivà » Sat Aug 20, 2016 15:51

One more (simple_protect):


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Re: Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

by SegFault22 » Wed Aug 24, 2016 04:13

Thank you for pointing to some mods that can do what I need. I will specifically consider these two, because they are the closest to what I asked for:

0gb_us Land Claim: Exact 16^3 chunks aligned with the world chunk system - this fulfils the criteria perfectly. However, the old independent versions of the mod were hosted at 0gb.us, which is not an active website any more and can not be accessed to download the files. So, I will have to rip-off the landclaim_0gb_us mod from 0gb.us_game github, and modify it to remove all points_0gb_us dependency because I don't like the way it overrides all ore nodes as it may break my resources-mod and make it difficult to use properly, if it is even usable at all after the nodes get overwritten.

Simple Protection: This one is close, except the default height-value for areas is not 16. The height could be configured to 16, but since it doesn't allow claiming areas underground by default, it probably allows areas to be claimed with a height gap between other areas, which is a problem since said area would then be unclaimable, allowing players to deface any nodes in the gap area.

I will most likely use the landclaim_0gb_us modified to work without the points_0gb_us, since it is the closest. However, if the functionality of points_0gb_us is depended upon too much, it won't be reasonable to modify landclaim_0gb_us to work without it, and I will have to find an archived copy of the original 0gb_us Land Claim mod on a different website.

Now that there is at least one mod I know of which allows claiming areas aligned perfectly with the 16^3 world chunk system, I am a lot closer to being able to set-up my server. Thank you.

EDIT: I really can't use the landclaim_0gb_us mod because it depends so much on points_0gb_us, and totally replaced the land claim block with that dependency and a chat command (so you have to have some-number of points in order to claim a chunk, and you have to use the chat command). I could possibly modify it to work as I need it; but it would be difficult, consuming lots of time, and probably not worth it if someone else has an archived copy of the original 0gb_us Land Claim mod that can be uploaded somewhere...
I really need a copy of the original 0gb_us Land Claim mod from before the server went down - does anyone have it?

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Re: Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

by wilkgr76 » Fri Sep 02, 2016 05:09

SegFault22 wrote:EDIT: I really can't use the landclaim_0gb_us mod because it depends so much on points_0gb_us, and totally replaced the land claim block with that dependency and a chat command (so you have to have some-number of points in order to claim a chunk, and you have to use the chat command). I could possibly modify it to work as I need it; but it would be difficult, consuming lots of time, and probably not worth it if someone else has an archived copy of the original 0gb_us Land Claim mod that can be uploaded somewhere...
I really need a copy of the original 0gb_us Land Claim mod from before the server went down - does anyone have it?

Tried the wayback machine? Helpful for stuff like this.
I do not care.

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Re: 16^3-Cube Chunk Protect: Is there a mod for this?

by Jay » Mon Nov 07, 2016 18:20

If you configure the simple claims mod with a claim height of 16, an underground start of zero, and allow underground claiming, you will get a 16m claim grid over the entire map. The simple claims mod does not allow vertical gaps that are not a multiple of the claim height.

I see that this thread is several months old. I hope that I'm not replying too late to be helpful.

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