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PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 05:11
by Nore
No, digiline signals are sent through all ports.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 01:22
by Bas080
Digilines keyboard that uses channel "keyboard"

Pull request


PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 16:01
by BC2013
Emmmm... This Is Cool with the light sensor but i am using mesecon-master and the blue digiline doesnt connect up to the sticky piston i was trying to make a light sensored sticky piston... any help?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 18:04
by VanessaE
Digilines only connect to other digilines devices and to LuaControllers. To interface a digilines device like a light sensor or RTC to a mesecons device like a piston or noteblock, you must use a LuaController between them to translate the signal.

Digilines are a complete serial interface like I2C, while mesecons wires are simple high-or-low TTL logic.

PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 04:36
by Silent-Hunter
I'm having trouble learning to use the LCD. In the luacontroller, I put
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
digiline_send(1, "Hello World!")
and in the LCD, I put 1.

It doesn't give an error, but it also doesn't display anything. I tried doing port.c = true, but that didn't help either.

EDIT: Nevermind! I wasn't aware the channel was a string as well, I thought it was a number. put quotes around it and now it works!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 03:20
by necron099
When I start minetest I get this error:
21:57:43: ERROR[main]: mod "digilines_inventory" has unsatisfied dependencies: "require"

The ../digilines_inventory/depends.txt list:

I removed 'require' from depends.txt and got this:

OK] Mesecons
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA ===========
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: /home/fred/minetest/minetest-3rdperson/bin/../games/minetest_game/mods/minetest-mod-digilines-master/digilines_inventory/init.lua:
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: attempt to call field 'require' (a nil value)
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: in main chunk
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: ======= END OF ERROR FROM LUA ========
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run /home/fred/minetest/minetest-3rdperson/bin/../games/minetest_game/mods/minetest-mod-digilines-master/digilines_inventory/init.lua
22:13:31: ERROR[main]: ModError: ModError: Failed to load and run /home/fred/minetest/minetest-3rdperson/bin/../games/minetest_game/mods/minetest-mod-digilines-master/digilines_inventory/init.lua

Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 25, 2014 05:11
by gsmanners
I think you want the modpacks in your /home/fred/minetest/minetest-3rdperson/mods folder. Putting them in the minetest_game folder doesn't seem altogether kosher.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 00:06
by necron099
I almost never put mods into /minetest/mods folder and load them from the menu (old school maybe) : ) I spend more time fiddling and experimenting with things instead of actually playing. :P

The init.lua in digilines_inventory:

value, err = minetest.require('digilines_inventory','chest')
if err then
print("Digilines Inventory loaded")

I don't recall seeing minetest.require in any other lua files.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 07:51
by Jeija
Thank you for reporting that, I didn't check if Cy's commit with the chest was ok when i merged it - minetest.require was supposed to be merged at some time, but in fact in never was. That's way he used it and broke stuff...

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 09:00
by ABJ
I would like to make the digiline LCD glow. But "light_source = whatever value i wrote there" doesn't seem to work! Can you explain to me how to make the LCD give off light? I KNOW I didn't exceed the 15 limit

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 05:07
by thomasthespacefox
IDEA! well 2, anyways,

1:Digilines Noteblock
A digilines controlled noteblock (can be be made to hit any note a normal one can but you can use lua to make it play a song!
call it a Digilines noteblock?

another thought: you could, in theory have a stop command
ie you send a note, then tell it when to stop or tell it to change notes.

2: Digilines light
A color changing digilines controlled light block (ex: you could have messages as colors ie red green orange... but also have an OFF message that turns the light off
uses: status light, decoration, ex..
probably easier than the noteblock idea. i think the traffic light from mp streets changes colors the same way.

just a thought i had when thinking about mesecons and digilines.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 14:36
by ABJ
Digilines already has a "noteblock".........that plays sounds and functions completely differently.
You'll have to rename it.

That other idea..................seems good, I leave rest to the community.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 05:52
by thomasthespacefox
ABJ wrote:Digilines already has a "noteblock".........that plays sounds and functions completely differently.
You'll have to rename it.

That other idea..................seems good, I leave rest to the community.

well digilines musicblock and digilines musicbox come to mind for names
as for the didilines light...

here is a quote from: Post your mod requests/ideas here:
thomasthespacefox wrote:
Hybrid Dog wrote:
thomasthespacefox wrote:has anyone ever thought of having a color-changing light block where digilines controls the color?
ex digiline_send("lights","BLUE") the light(s) on channel "lights" would turn the digilines light(s) blue and digiline_send("lights","OFF") would turn them off maybe? anyone want to try this? i mean i can mod in a glowing node here or some fancy node there. but making a digilines light as i described seems to be over my abilities at the moment. any help?

l could make one which makes it possible to set any colour from #0000ff to #ff0000

with it you could make a wall that displays a pattern, animation, or anything else you could dream up!

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 06:49
by jogag
I made a mod that adds some digiline hardware!!!
Click here to see Digiline Stuff

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 06:53
by jogag
thomasthespacefox wrote:IDEA! well 2, anyways,
2: Digilines light
A color changing digilines controlled light block (ex: you could have messages as colors ie red green orange... but also have an OFF message that turns the light off
uses: status light, decoration, ex..
probably easier than the noteblock idea. i think the traffic light from mp streets changes colors the same way.

just a thought i had when thinking about mesecons and digilines.

Do you know digital RGB LEDs?
(Adafruit NeoPixels, from here, the white wire is the digiline xD)

I will add them to my digiline stuff modpack.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 14:30
by benrob0329
I have a question, why isn't digilines isn't part of Mesecons?

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 18:31
by jogag
benrob0329 wrote:I have a question, why isn't digilines isn't part of Mesecons?

Digilines and mesecons are totally different concepts, the only thing that join them are luacontrollers, IoT routers, digiline-to-mesecon and mesecon-to-digiline converters (the ones in technic game).

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 08:41
by cy
Sorry about my commit with the chests. I didn't think that when people saw 'mod "digilines_inventory" has unsatisfied dependencies: "require"' they'd go edit the source and complain when it errored, instead of installing the require module. It is admittedly pretty dumb to have to get a whole module, for just that little bit of code in 'require'... I wanted it incorporated into the luajit source code the builtin directory at some point, but it never caught on. Thanks for removing it... and for being better at table.copy than I am.

Moving all the code into init.lua is... okay, I suppose, but it would have got messy if I added digiline furnaces, and various novelty chests like I originally intended before getting disgusted with it. Easy enough to just use dofile for that, like everyone else though, since require isn't what everyone else is using.

I honestly have no idea why pipeworks was causing crashes. I made sure to provide fallbacks for everything I used in pipeworks, if it wasn't found. Must have missed something I guess...

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 17:03
by im-poke
Some ideas:

Internet mod

With kaezas wiki mod we can make an internet network mod. The recipe i had in mind for the pc was:


#=lcd screen
!= keyboard

PS: I want it to work with the other "apps" that a computer can use. So i want to steal the GUI of the time machine mod's telephone to make it able to use my other ideas.


A television completely with channels, the ability for studios to put commercials in, recording&live difference, different studios per channel and such!
The recipe i have in mind for the TV


S=Steel ingot
| = digiline
L= lamp (meselight or such)
S= screen

The recipe for the camera:


P=plastic sheet

And a recorder which records dvd's (that contain a string which is the filename of the video that the camera you can connect it to):

Coming later...

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 16:17
by jogag
That's impossible. Minetest has no support for custom cameras and recording videos. And it's not possible to stream videos on a texture, so the TV would be also impossible.
(Impossible until you patch MT and make a pull request, but that's not easy!)
The PC, however, is possible. It could be a (sandboxed) Lua shell where you can enter commands. But no GUI, because that messes up everything (and is a lot more difficult to make)...
It will look more like those old BASIC computers (C64, ZX Spectrum, ...) than an actual PC. But that's better.

EDIT: posted the wrong post here xD

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 16:58
by rubenwardy
You can't make a terminal using minetest without the ability to send key presses, terminals aren't just typing commands.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 21:50
by benrob0329
you could use the keyboard from the digilines-stuff modpack, and only send one letter.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 07:19
by im-poke
Noho. I mean: You must rightclick on the tv to see what happens in the studio.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 07:25
by im-poke
And the camera can have eyes by letting the minetest engine think that a player is stuck in there, and send the view of the cam to the formspec/gui of the TV's that are connected. And well, if not possible, i want radio. (explained later)

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 07:36
by im-poke
And: What is wrong with a GUI / formspec?

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 21:55
by sofar
I've proposed a change to make digilines a mod instead of a modpack. Testers needed, would appreciate someone testing it.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 02:22
by Byakuren
Is the name of internal.lua meant to imply that the functions defined within should not be used by modders?

EDIT: Nevermind. Can I find the API for creating your own digiline hardware documented anywhere? Specifically I am looking for node_def.digiline.receptor, the rules parameter of receptor_send, and the msg parameter (what values are allowed). I would also like to know whether sent messages are automatically delayed until the next tick (to prevent infinite loops) or if that must be done manually by receiving or sending nodes.

Re: [Mod] Digilines [minetest-mod-digilines]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 15:04
by ulla
Hello, I need a little help, I created a LCD bigger than that of DIGILINE mod, twice as high, I used a mesh, I can write about it, the problem is that even having set the right collision_box and selection_box, I can not write in the upper part. I tried to increase the height of the text, but instead of being displayed in the upper part of the mesh, the sentence is cut, you can help me understand how to do? thanks in advance
(PS: I simply modified lcd.lua original)Image