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"The adventure" adventure/puzzle map (in making)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:09
by glichgamer12
I'm making an adventure map!
This map will consist of parkour, puzzles, traps and also with a little story, This will be the largest map I ever created. daunting task I know, But i like building traps and puzzles so I think it will be a cool experience. Plus it's on a flat generated world.

This map will be released maby on July 4 - July 8 ish, also will include various mods.

I will post a message to inform on the start of play testing. Also I will ad a monument for every playtester when the map is finished.

Thank You For Your Input!

Re: "The adventure" adventure/puzzle map (in making)

PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 20:10
by MineYoshi
Looks like something great...
I would like to be a playtester...
anyways i will be waiting to download this map!

Re: "The adventure" adventure/puzzle map (in making)

PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 01:42
by glichgamer12
Ok! I'll put you on the list.