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APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 02:29
by mogray5
mmod is an APT repository available to users of Debian based Linux distributions.

The tools used to create the repository are available here:

There are currently 80+ plugins and 12 subgames packaged. Mods and games with source code hosted on public sites such as github or bitbucket will be automatically refreshed on a weekly basis.

Use the below steps to add the repository to your machine.

Create file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mmod.list and add the below line entry:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
deb mmrepo main

Import the repository key from

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
apt-get update

List available mods and subgames like below:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
apt-cache search mmod
apt-cache search mgame

Also a list of available packages can be found at the link below. The page includes the forum link I used to gather the information from and also the source code repo used during package creation.

Packages are installed to /usr/share/games/minetest/ which integrates well with Minetest installed from PPA (

Feel free to post packaging errors or requests here.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 15:40
by Minetestforfun
Great work ! :)

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 23:42
by mogray5

120 plugins and 16 subgames are now packaged.

Attached is a list of available packages along with the plugin/subgame author plus the forum link I used to gather information.
(2.32 KiB) Downloaded 306 times

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 03:11
by Nathan.S
Not a bad idea, I have a script that updates all the mods for me, but for some people this is probably far easier.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2015 05:20
by Splizard
This is really awesome!

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 12:40
by LNJ
Could you add my game Minetest TNG?
But the master branch requires a Minetest dev version. Take the stable-srv branch for it (that needs MT 0.4.13+ server and MT 0.4.12+ client).

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 14:41
by mogray5
Done! Package is called mgame-tng.

The packager tool I wrote pulls from github. I used the below URL for your package. If it needs to be something else please let me know.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2016 17:34
by LNJ
mogray5 wrote:Done! Package is called mgame-tng.

The packager tool I wrote pulls from github. I used the below URL for your package. If it needs to be something else please let me know.

Thanks! That's completely fine! :)

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 14:39
by TumeniNodes
mogray5 wrote:Done! Package is called mgame-tng.

The packager tool I wrote pulls from github. I used the below URL for your package. If it needs to be something else please let me know.

Thissounds really cool

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 16:36
by taikedz

I like the sound of this!

I'm working on a little project to throw together tools for installing and managing a minetest server, and on eof the components on my roadmap is centrally-managed repo - this would save a lot of work on that front!

Mind if I make it part of the install in my tool?

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 17:13
by mogray5
Sure no problem at all. The tools are a hodgepodge of bash scripts and go utilities. I'll try to clean it up and get it up on github.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sat Jul 16, 2016 17:28
by taikedz
Great thanks - done.

This should make managing and updating a mt server all the easier!

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 13:26
by mogray5
I've added a crude web page that lists the packages available in the repository. Link below. Added to my original post as well.

I've also added the ability to create meta packages which are packages that install a set of other packages. Package mmeta-ecosystem is an example. If you install it it will install the below package list plus any dependent packages:


If you would like me to group some packages together into a meta package for you I'm happy to do so.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 22:23
by taikedz
Just checked - useful.

However I think links need doublechecking

I was interested in the workers mod by its description, but the URL links to the Fireworks forum page

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 22:32
by rubenwardy
This is probably the most accurate mod list available:
You can access a json file here:

It has:

1. Download link, checked to make sure it exists and downloads a zip file
2. Size of the download
3. Modname, mod author, forum link
4. If on github:
1. The dependencie of the mod
2. the mod's description.txt

You can use ... dy/awards/ to get the screenshot.png of the mod, if on github.

You can use ... dy/awards/ to download the mod.

Please note that it does a lot of checking, so may miss out mods if they don't name their modname correctly in their forum topic title, or if the download isn't obvious enough. You can use the first link to find out why your mods are missing. Also, it is limited to mod releases only, no WIP mods, but it wouldn't be hard to allow all mods.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 02:20
by mogray5
@taikedz Thanks I've fixed the link.

@rubenwardy Wasn't aware of this resource. Some great info thanks. I will cross-check my forum and source links. Also looks to have a bunch of plugins that I could add as well.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Wed Aug 17, 2016 17:26
by jbb
Could you also package the minetest nodebox editor (
I reinstall my system often, so I like to add your apt-repository and installing everything, but I'm missing the nodebox editor. You could name the package for example mdev-nodeboxeditor.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sat Aug 20, 2016 15:15
by mogray5

I'll check into it but no promises as this is a little more involved than packaging Lua plugins which I'm able to automate. This requires a build step to compile the source with whatever build system the project is using plus, dependency resolution for the target platforms. Also I'm assuming some level of desktop integration is required.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 16:42
by jbb
Ok thank you, I didn't new the big differences between mods and dektop applications, but now I read a bit about Debian pakaging, and I now know how much work has to be done. Maybe I try to do a bit of the packaging work.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sun Aug 21, 2016 16:47
by TheReaperKing
Thanks for setting this up! That's awesome that they automatically refresh weekly! Can't wait to test this. Is there an easy way to download all of them?

EDIT seems like adding them in synaptic is easy, is there a command line I can use? I'm new to linux :)

EDIT 2 I used sudo apt-get install mmod-*
These mods are shown as broken in both my terminal attempt and synaptic:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
 mmod-ethereal-ng : Conflicts: mmod-ethereal but 0~20150816003331-1 is to be installed
 mmod-fishing-mff : Conflicts: mmod-fishing but 0~20150818021413-1 is to be installed
 mmod-fishing-wulfsdad : Conflicts: mmod-fishing but 0~20150818021413-1 is to be installed
                         Conflicts: mmod-fishing-mff but 0~20160719030555-1 is to be installed
 mmod-foodchain : Conflicts: mmod-mobs-redo but 0~20160820152057-1 is to be installed
                  Conflicts: mmod-simplemobs but 0~20150816002444-1 is to be installed
 mmod-hudbars : Conflicts: mmod-better-hud but 0~20160220230417-1 is to be installed
 mmod-mobs-redo : Conflicts: mmod-simplemobs but 0~20150816002444-1 is to be installed
 mmod-simplemobs : Conflicts: mmod-mobs-redo but 0~20160820152057-1 is to be installed
 mmod-snow : Conflicts: mmod-snow-lj but 0~20150816003056-1 is to be installed
 mmod-snow-lj : Conflicts: mmod-snow but 0~20160820152008-1 is to be installed

Edit 3 Also I know cd2 has been working hard on rpgtest

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 19:10
by mogray5
@jbb - Ok no problem. If you come up with a build recipe to package NodeBoxEditor I'm happy to add it to the repo.

@TheReaperKing - Thanks glad you find it useful. While putting this together I found some plug-ins use the same plug-in install folder name. I marked these as conflicting with each-other to avoid one plug-in overwriting another on your machine.

For example the below two plug-ins both want to install to folder "fishing".


I may be able to rename one of them during the packaging process to resolve the problem but I'm not sure what the repercussions of that will be yet so I'm using the Debian conflict marker for the time being.

I'll get rpgtest packaged!

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 23:25
by TheReaperKing
Do you know where I can find the mods on the computer? I have been unable locate them. I do have a standalone version of Minetest so that is probably why I don't see them when I load it up. I'd love to be able to copy and paste them out of the repo anyway for testing. Thank you!!

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 01:37
by mogray5
Mods and games are installed to /usr/share/games/minetest/

rpgtest game is now packaged. Package is called: mgame-rpgtest

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 01:56
by TheReaperKing
Thank you!!

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 08:57
by cd2
mogray5 wrote:rpgtest game is now packaged. Package is called: mgame-rpgtest

Idk if it is a good idea to package rpgtest:
  • Since its still WIP there are many updates (even if I dont post anything)
  • Its unstable (many bugs)

PS : Great project!

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 08:57
by cd2
post deleted

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 02:05
by mogray5
Ok no problem. I'll turn packaging back on when I see something posted in the releases forum.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2016 19:16
by TheReaperKing
cd2 in my opinion that seems like the perfect mod to have on there since he has it set to update weekly so people can test, post feedback and get the weekly changes/updates. Maybe a WIP at the beginning or end of the name would help make it clearer? Your choice of course but me for one would love to get the auto updates to your mod.

Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 00:31
by olea
mogray5 wrote:mmod is an APT repository available to users of Debian based Linux distributions.


Do you code mods dependencies?

Do you automate the package creation/update or all the work is handmade?

I would really loves to know if I could reuse some of your repository sources for an automated equivalent RPM repository. I know the alien[1] tool exists but results are not clean enough (i.e.: it create directory ownership conflicts).

In the nightmare of minetest mods dependencies your repo seems like an oasis of peace :-)


Re: APT Repository for Minetest Mods and Subgames

PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 03:13
by mogray5
@olea Thanks!

I've open-sourced all of this here: so feel free to hack away at it and make it better.

The process of collecting mod changes and creating new packages once defined in the database is automated but there is the occasional manual intervention needed when the upstream mod devs take their mod source offline or move/merge projects.

Adding new mods/subgames to the database is a manual process at the moment and requires adding data to a back-end RDBMS database using SQL.

It's Debian centric (even the name) but if you end up making it work with RPM as well then feel free to create a pull request and I'll be happy to merge it in.