What's your building style?

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by IPushButton2653 » Tue Mar 13, 2012 06:55

I always just make whatever I need. I have done castles, tunnels, mines, hangars, homes, and even factories. It's always fun when your building style is as flexible as a noodle ^^

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by Michael Eh? » Sun Mar 18, 2012 17:03

I've been repairing alot of griefing (vandalism) on Gameboom and I've learned alot of new styles from doing so.

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by Jordach » Sun Mar 18, 2012 17:05

I tend to learn from YouTube half the time. :D

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Re: What's your building style?

by kidmondo » Sat Apr 11, 2015 02:40

I love to build modest houses out of sandstone and tree with wooden plank steps as the roof, I also enjoy building ships and fountains

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Re: What's your building style?

by philipbenr » Mon Apr 13, 2015 01:09

Don't bump old topics please. This one is pretty attractive looking but still, it is dead.

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Re: What's your building style?

by twoelk » Mon Apr 13, 2015 09:19

philipbenr wrote:... This one is pretty attractive looking ...

and that is why it shouldn't be considered dead ..

The subject doesn't go stale as it is not about something that gets outdated. (hopefully
I would suggest that some subject can get bumped if they do no harm. Creating a new one is beyond the point for threads that are thought to offer a place to collect ideas.

So - what is your building style?

I use several I guess.

The easiest to describe is a grid system I use for mining. It is based on tunnels 3 by 3 blocks with one block left standing between. Quit often I also use that, or some variant on the surface.

Else I usually try to keep building things that at least look like they could be possible in real life. Some buildings do indeed have real life inspirations.

I often try to fit the buildings into the landscape and for that may have to do massive landscaping that tries to hide itself.
Once a place is chosen I may start working on the surroundings to generate nice attractive viewpoints. Sadly this does not seem to be something others care for, so development on some servers has destroyed many views I have carefully designed (hi cheapie and rubberduck - I just had to do this :D, no offense meant, keep up your otherwise good and sometimes excellent building.)

Actually the way building develops on some servers spawn areas is surprisingly similar to real life and as such pretty interesting. What I do dislike and try to avoid by all means is windowless huge boxes that sport only one material. As such you may find me attempting to beautify said boxes.

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Re: What's your building style?

by Sokomine » Sun Apr 19, 2015 02:23

Most of my buildings are rather small and try to be as realistic as possible, using very thin nodes for walls inside the house. Each building ought to be suitable for what it's built for. So you most likely won't find any houses where making the trip from your bed to the kitchen will take more than a day. Instead, you may get stuck in a tight corner if you don't pay attention.
Buildings ought to fit to the sourrounding area. So I usually wait until there's a bit and adjust my building to some degree. The landscape also wants to be taken into account. I'm not as capable as twoelk and do not sculpture the landscape itshelf; the house just tries to fit in.
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Re: What's your building style?

by maikerumine » Sun Apr 19, 2015 18:15

My building style is pretty simple, depending on resources I tend to craft stone block homes with a lot of wooden trim and decks. I am really big on tree farms, and gardens as well as adding scenery beauty to the property. Just recently in my builds I have been adding flowers and grass in certain spots. Typical dwelling construction is your basic 7x7 in size, then additions are added when appropriate.

I gravitate to stone world survival servers for the extra challenge of making something so bleak look so nice when complete.

I also tend to build dozens of places with slightly different building variations.

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Re: What's your building style?

by hoodedice » Sun Apr 26, 2015 01:06

My building style is inspired from the style of architecture used in these villas in the UAE, which is where I grew up.

A plus point is that the architectural style is blocky!
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Re: What's your building style?

by kidmondo » Sat May 02, 2015 03:39

hoodedice wrote:My building style is inspired from the style of architecture used in these villas in the UAE, which is where I grew up.

A plus point is that the architectural style is blocky!

That is so cool! I wish i was able to build like that :/

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Re: What's your building style?

by LazerRay » Fri May 08, 2015 19:00

I tend to build with what I have and expand/update as I gather more resources, but I tend to have a plan a head of time for the final look.

For example I use log blocks for the framework of a building and fill it in with a different block type while having the frame form patterns across sections of the structure which also double a measurement markers.

Underground areas tend to use one block type, but with slopes in corners and on the tops/bottoms of columns to make them look carved out or re-enforced.

My roof style tends to look like a dome, starting with steep slopes for the lower section, shallow slopes for the middle, and a flat top.

Smaller details are just based on what looks good with certain materials like using both fences and poles of the same type for support and lamp posts.

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Re: What's your building style?

by PeterPanda » Mon Jun 01, 2015 04:46

I prefer building the basic foundation first, then building the entire front wall or section of the build so I can get a feel for what style I want to carry on throughout the build. Also, I can make changes or modifications a bit easier.

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Re: What's your building style?

by The-Operator219 » Thu Jun 11, 2015 06:53

Victorian or medieval, and sky bases on multiplayer.
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Re: What's your building style?

by kidmondo » Fri Jun 12, 2015 07:51

The-Operator219 wrote:Victorian or medieval, and sky bases on multiplayer.

I just try doing that even in single player.... I usually try to make my builds into towns

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Re: What's your building style?

by The-Operator219 » Tue Jun 16, 2015 05:31

I also rarely do modern, but I don't care for it.
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Re: What's your building style?

by kidmondo » Tue Jun 16, 2015 19:44

The-Operator219 wrote:I also rarely do modern, but I don't care for it.

I've tried so hard to build modern before but it just looks bland whenever i try :P

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Re: What's your building style?

by The-Operator219 » Wed Jun 17, 2015 06:53

On free pizza server I have an entire castle being built.
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Re: What's your building style?

by Dragonop » Mon Jun 22, 2015 23:39

I usually build in a simetric way, like in cubic/rectangle segments, so I can expand my house when I need, usually the size of that "segments" is delimited by the size of the protection blocks. But anyways I still building small houses, with no more than 2 floors, a basement, and a plain roof.

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Re: What's your building style?

by The-Operator219 » Tue Jun 23, 2015 03:15

I find symetry a challenge, but I do build on cliffs for visibility.
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Re: What's your building style?

by firefox » Tue Jun 23, 2015 05:42

in my short-life singleplayer worlds i used to build towers.
mostly small but high and with something fancy on top. (the ice tower had blue flames.)
my last tower was the bamboo tower.
it had a radius of 10 blocks and earned the title of "largest tower ever made".
after the 5th floor, i quit it out of boredom and decided that i had enough building practice to play on servers.

now i'm on the Xanadu server. when i started i didn't have a specific style, i just liked antique and magic stuff, so the first thing i build was a little white construct that is shaped like the ruins of a greek temple.
then i build a tower again.
then i build my first real house: small square rooms inside a mountain. each room with a different colour.
this could have become my building style, but i still preferred towers.

but then i discovered my speciality:
Crafterlouie renovated the destroyed spawn area of the Stone Stargate and the TNT-blasted wasteland turned into a beautiful landscape with great buildings. i wanted to contribute something there and got my hands on a nice mountain side at which i planned to build Sol Sanctum. a temple hidden inside the mountain with decoratice pillars and circles that hold small models of the sun and the moon.
the small Sol and Luna rooms became the best that i build so far and the pillars and the magic circles were my favourite designs. so i started to plan the final part of Sol Sanctum that surpasses everything: the Inner Sanctum.
same structure as before, but at least twice as large.
since i never build something of this size before i had to draw it on paper to get everything to the right size and position.
the Inner Sanctum is 59x59 and 7 blocks high, the inner part will be a little higher so that the sun will fit inside.
the magic circle that fills the entire room has so much detail that it looks almost round and smooth and no edges stand out. when i completed the drawing of the circle and looked at it, i realized that this will become my personal building style. none has done it before and from what i heard from others, none could do it like i did.

and with this i made my very own original style. :)


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