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by onpon4 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 17:01

mauvebic wrote:You're also free to buy or not buy proprietary software. And in a competitive environment, there is incentive to give the users what they want. You're also totally free to become a competitor yourself. But it's mainly the incentive to give users what they want that makes proprietary software popular, despite what FOSS would have you believe.

Well, "FOSS" isn't a belief system, but a mention of two separate belief systems. Nitpicking aside, though, you're talking about the difference between commercial and non-commercial software, a separate issue. Assuming what you say is true (I have no intention of arguing about it, because it doesn't matter), the same applies to Paint.NET and Adobe Photoshop even though both are proprietary.

Similarly, it's perfectly possible to create a commercial free game. Here's an idea: do a crowd-funding project (such as Kickstarter) to fund development of a Minetest fork. That'll give you your commercial incentive you're saying is advantageous, and you could even have miniature crowd-funding for specific features in some cases.


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