Thief mob that can steal your items?

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Thief mob that can steal your items?

by ph8jPf9M » Tue Dec 06, 2016 09:02

This is the thief mob that is going to steal your precious items and hurt you by 1 heart. He steals and then runes away. The stolen items appear in his hand and when he is defeated he drops back the items he stolen. How can this be done with for example mobs redo?
thief2.png (58.09 KiB) Viewed 1017 times

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Re: Thief mob that can steal your items?

by ExeterDad » Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:45

I was toying around with a thief mob idea just last week :P Honest just ask my wife. We also though it would be interesting if he drops a loot bag with a inventory that behave just like bones when he is killed.

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Re: Thief mob that can steal your items?

by hajo » Tue Dec 06, 2016 11:53

ph8jPf9M wrote:thief mob that is going to steal your precious items and hurt you

If there is no better incentive then "you can get your stuff back",
this will make servers with this mod quite unpopular.
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Re: Thief mob that can steal your items?

by npx » Sun Dec 11, 2016 23:20

In nssm there are some mobs that can do this kind of thing:
- morgut can steal your food. And if you kill it it will drop your food;
- morlu does the same thing but with armors.

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Re: Thief mob that can steal your items?

by ph8jPf9M » Fri Dec 16, 2016 14:39

npx wrote:In nssm there are some mobs that can do this kind of thing:
- morgut can steal your food. And if you kill it it will drop your food;
- morlu does the same thing but with armors.

i have tried out Morgut and he is able to steal nssm food but cant steal apples and bread?

Thief can also steals from chests when he finds them. He is slow at that it takes him 30 seconds to steal whole chest

thief is going to steal your most valuable precious items you have with you if he gets close enough.

He steals only once and then runs away to hide from you.

if you have armour, hotbar items and inventory items on then he will steals your most valuable armour piece, most valuable hotbar item and most valuable inventory item all at once (he is very skilled). When thief robs you - you lose 3 valauble items.

if you only have armour on then he steals 3 armour items
if you only have items in inventory the he steals 3 inventory items
if you only have items on hotbar then he steals 3 hotbar items

Once thief has stolen your items you can get them back by either bringing him to justice or finding his hideout where is his chest you will need to break into it.

To make thiefs popular on servers they will get a chance to drop a key that opens his secret hideout chest with loot he has stolen and a map to the location of the that chest with xyz coordinates. They will also get a small chance to drop famous art paintings of weirdoes.

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