official server claims

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Joined: Sat Nov 26, 2011 17:52

official server claims

by Maelstrom » Tue Nov 29, 2011 00:49

To be short here is the Idea:

A system to give every registered player a claim inside a city for their house to be build and a claim for mining.

Now the long description:

To help player out I would suggest a main starting point for server registered Players to make a House inside a City. In the City the Claim would be around 50x50x100 (deeper down for a cellar to store their stuff). No one exept the Player (and Mods if something is wrong) are allowed to build on this claim.

The second is ONE special Stone they can set where they want only in the claim of the House. This Stone used would teleport them to their mining claim where ever it is. This claim can be set by the Player to let only them build and mine resources or let them share the land with their friends. The Size of the Claim should be Limitless on the Z-axis to let him Dig as deep and build as high as he wants. The X and Y should be discussed.

Between the claims in the City should be walkable and by normal players uneditable "streets" to help everyone moving around.

In the Middle of the City should be some kind of Lighthouse out of the Teleporter stone which can send people to a land far far away... Well to a free realm where they can dig, build and mess with everyone however they want.

For special creations like a life size Death Star or whatever it should be possible to add an extra Teleport Stone by the mods for a special claim where the Team can build on it.

In front of the House can be a special chest for sending Items like a Mailbox. Right next to it a Sign with the "Home of Nickname" on it to say the users who are living there.

A "/teleport !home" command can be added to always get back to the front of their house (where the chest stands) and a "/teleport !homeof Nickname" can be done to visit the houses of friends.

This would help to give players who want to play the game sincerely a House, a Mining Area and a City where other People have their creations direct next to theirs.

Just an Idea. Not every Server should be done this way of course, but for playing with their own house, Mine and the possibility to go to the open Zone would help people have their way in their own little place for resources and shelter against some really crazy people.

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Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2011 18:18

by BetaKing » Tue Nov 29, 2011 02:08

I had the idea for a block-based EVE / Haven & Hearth - style mmo where guilds would have to have an embassy in a central city.

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