Access violation (Exception 0xC0000005)

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Access violation (Exception 0xC0000005)

by siddharthnarayanan » Wed Nov 30, 2016 00:58

I am getting the following error when tyring when i run the minetest.exe from the bin folder of the newly created (using Visual studio) minetest-install.

Here is the debug.txt from the bin folder -

2016-11-29 18:49:58: [Main]: Automatically selecting world at [C:\DIR\minetest\bin\Release\..\..\worlds\siddharth]
2016-11-29 18:50:18: [Main]: >> === FATAL ERROR ===
2016-11-29 18:50:18: [Main]: >> Access violation (Exception 0xC0000005) at 0x77C3E49B
2016-11-29 18:50:18: [Main]: >> Saved dump to C:\DIR\minetest\bin\Release\..\..\minetest.dmp

I had previously successfully compiled and run this minetest.exe previously and am unable to do so now. I have also not changed the source code and have followed the intructions from minetest wiki (

My config is Win x64, VS2015. Please let me know if I can provide more/better info. I get no compiling errors while generating the minetest.exe file through VS and have verified all the steps from the wiki page. Here is a link to a post with a similar problem. (I have reached out to the user) -

Could someone please help me out with possible solutions ? I have already checked the minetest.conf file for the video driver settings (I have the correct openGL set).

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Access violation (Exception 0xC0000005)

by Sirvoid » Thu Dec 08, 2016 13:13

It would be nice if someone have the solution to that :/

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Re: Access violation (Exception 0xC0000005)

by MineYoshi » Fri Dec 09, 2016 15:21

"Data Execution Prevention (DEP) introduced by Microsoft in Windows SP2" ?
Try running it with "admin" privs.
or maybe you can try with other compiler. Do you always use Visual Studio?
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