nrz's wish list

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nrz's wish list

by nrz » Sun May 22, 2016 13:03

Like sofar and nore here is a feature wish list

If you are interested by one of those features, don't hesitate to comment this post or the mentionned PR/Commit

  • PostgreSQL database backend (merged)
A PostgreSQL database backend is a very good replacement to leveldb and redis which are currently the faster backends we have.

PostgreSQL is a powerful relational database which is a good replacement for Oracle or MySQL/MariaDB databases and offers many features.

Using PostgreSQL permits servers owners to have a website or a mapper which connects to database to fetch the mapblocks or many others datas we store and create dynamic website with frameworks like symfony, django, RubyOnRails, etc..

PostgreSQL is as fast as Redis for big worlds except it doesn't consume so much memory (don't forget to tune your PostgreSQL shared buffers to 50% of your server memory, 1GB is a good value, 2GB is a must have, default is 256MB). Also PostgreSQL uses less disk than LevelDB and Redis. Currently on my server with 11 million mapblocks it takes only 9GB.

  • Player datas into database
Players are currently stored into a flat file, which is subject to corruption, and the more player you get, the more file you get. With a very high inode size, the player file reading speed could decrease.

Using a database backend permits to have online updates of players and secure the data consistent behind those venerable backends.
More over, having player datas directly into database will permit user to manipulate them easily from a website (imagine a website where your player can login and see their inventory, current HP, coordinates...).
Database are more website friendly than a flat file with a non standard parsing mode

  • Players extra attributes (PR opened #4155)

Mods are setting their own player attributes everywhere, creating many files, generally 1 per mod per player.
Create a common interface to set and get extra players attributes used by mods[/list]

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Re: nrz's wish list

by philipbenr » Sun May 22, 2016 19:20

It is nice to see more involvement of the devs on the forums.

;) Keep up the good work! It means a lot to all the players.

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Re: nrz's wish list

by ExeterDad » Sun May 22, 2016 20:58

philipbenr wrote:It is nice to see more involvement of the devs on the forums.

;) Keep up the good work! It means a lot to all the players.

Totally agree!

Kibbie and I have a beautiful public server now! HOMETOWN

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Re: nrz's wish list

by Minetestforfun » Fri May 27, 2016 10:02

Amazing, +1 !

Keep up the good work :)

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