Looking for some specific functions/code in MineTest code

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Looking for some specific functions/code in MineTest code

by Neirdan » Tue Aug 14, 2012 22:21

Hello everyone,

I'm new to Irrlicht and Minetest and I want to adapt parts of Minetest code for my game, but I'm kind of lost with all the files.

What I'm looking for:

-The main playing loop (not the GUI one)
-Cube selector with pointer (should be in the main playing loop?)
-Item selector with pointer
-Picking up / dropping items
-Map generation algorithm

And more advanced: How are cubes displayed/hidden (should be in the main playing loop?)

Could you please tell me in which files the code is?
I randomly searched in mapgen.cpp, main.cpp but I think there's something missing.


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by jin_xi » Tue Aug 14, 2012 23:01

look at game.cpp

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by Neirdan » Sat Sep 15, 2012 00:15

What's the difference between a map node and a map block?
What about map sectors?

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by jordan4ibanez » Thu Sep 20, 2012 14:16

Neirdan wrote:What's the difference between a map node and a map block?
What about map sectors?

The equivalent to this in minecraft is, a node = a block, and a map block = a chunk.

Although a map block is commonly called a chunk because of the minecraft terminology, all it really is, is a way to save the world to the world database in "sections"
If you can think it, you can make it.

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