[MOD] Stargate mod [StarGate]

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[MOD] Stargate mod [StarGate]

by SegFault22 » Fri Jun 22, 2012 03:24

Hello everyone! I have just began work on a mod, that allows the player to make ''gates'' that can be used to teleport between ''gates'' in different locations. As of now, the coordinates that the player teleports to on use of the gates has to be set in the init.lua, but later I may be able to make a command to ID the coordinates of a stargate, save them to a file, and read/use them each time a stargate is used.
But, the number of gates is currently limited to 2, and you have to ''hit'' a certain block to use the gate. Later, I may be able to modify this to let you walk through the gate to go to the other gate, but the extent of my work relies on support from other people, like you, sitting there reading about this mod I am working on.
v0.3 (LATEST)

And, some snapshots (and yes, the gate blocks do generate light, because they are powered by NAQUEDA)

now you can craft gate blocks :D

M = Mese
S = Steel Block
N = Naqueda Crystal
produces ONE gate block.
Note that naqueda is very rare, but each ore-piece mined gives 4 crystals

What I plan on adding later:

-DHD (stargate dialing device, lets you go to different stargates)
-walk-in function (walk through the gate, instead of hitting it)
-/setgate command (MAYBE) that lets you set the teleport-to coordinates of a gate, instead of editing the INIT.lua file every time you move/add a gate
-room for more gates
With this mod, we may be able to implement an inter-planetary transit system - using a special stargate that tells MINETEST to dump the loaded chunks of the map, and load a different map from the server. Even a ''transit hub'' where you can recycle stuff you don't want/need, and trade stuff with people, and find a list of known stargate IDs and where they lead to.
This would revolutionize Minetest, and make Notch cringe as thousands of users flock to minetest to play this awesome game, and build their own home and cities and make the Minetest Universe bigger :D
As I said before, the development of this mod depends on support from people like you :D
Last edited by SegFault22 on Fri Jun 22, 2012 08:02, edited 1 time in total.
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by SegFault22 » Fri Jun 22, 2012 06:28

Latest version: 0.3
Stuff added in 0.2 & 0.3:
-Gate blocks
-Naqueda crystal ore
-Naqueda crystals
-crafting recipe for gate blocks
Additional info 1:
-Naqueda crystals in ore form are VERY rare, only found below -475, but each piece mined gives 4 naqueda crystals (so, mine 4 pieces to get enough naqueda for enough gate pieces for one gate)
Additional info 2:
-Gate blocks produce light, and so do naqueda crystals (in ore-form only)
Additional info 3:
-Read the topic post for more information.
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by SegFault22 » Fri Jun 22, 2012 06:34

Okay, as of now, I am stuck about how to set up the coordinates and all without editing init.lua - it will probably have to work like a sign does to read/edit data (however that works) and tell the game where to teleport the player...I may be able to come up with something, but I will still (probably) need help with getting minetest to read the data and use that data as the coordinates for teleporting.
I will eventually add a system to let the administrator, or someone with special privs, give each stargate an ID that can be input in the DHD to ''connect'' to another gate, and will stay connected to that gate only, until the DHD is reset, or until the 1-minute timer expires (this feature will probably be installed in the first stable 1.0)
Thank you all for your support, hopefully this won't turn into another dead-end project.
Last edited by SegFault22 on Fri Jun 22, 2012 08:06, edited 1 time in total.
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by Topywo » Fri Jun 22, 2012 09:34

Great Max!

2 questions:
- Aren't there more teleporters being developed/already developed now? Maybe you could work together. (take alsoa a look at mt1.gameboom.net)
- Is it the same naqueda as in the morestuff-mod? --> "found in large amounts below -500; used to make Naqueda reactors"

I find the idea of a stargate hub very interesting. An extra dimension would be if people could 'jump' from one server to another with their stuff...
But hey, I'm not hampered by any programming knowledge :-)

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by InfinityProject » Fri Jun 22, 2012 15:34

Ha it took me to the nether! Great mod!

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by SegFault22 » Fri Jun 22, 2012 21:47

Topywo: no, the naqueda in my Morestuff mod is lower-grade, like the by-product of naqueda crystals after they got superheated in the core of Earth to about 25000*F
Thank you both for your support :D
Now to get the DHD and all working...
EDIT: if I can get help with developing a way to ''move'' to different maps in a server via stargate, it wound not make sense to connect to different servers, because you would only have the stuff from that server, not the stuff from the server you came from.
But, don't worry, it may be possible for Celeron55 to create a ''master server'' that stores data of everything you have in your inventory, your HP and all, so when you connect to ANY server, that server asks the ''master server'' for your inventory, and the ''master server'' loads the data into the server, and tells your client what you have (basically, you have the same stuff on every server, and you can connect to any server and take your stuff with you - and note that this is just an idea)
Last edited by SegFault22 on Fri Jun 22, 2012 21:55, edited 1 time in total.
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by SegFault22 » Sat Jun 23, 2012 21:50

Okay, I'm trying to set-up the stargate to teleport players when they are inside the ''event horizon'' but it isn't working. Here's the code I have for Stargate A, can someone please help me find what I'm doing wrong?
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Code: Select all
minetest.register_abm(function(p, node, user)
    {nodenames = {"stargate:event_horizon"},
    interval = 1.0,
    chance = 1,
    action = function(pos, node, active_player_count, active_player_count_wider)
        local objs = minetest.env:get_players_inside_radius(pos, 2)
        if objs[1]==nil then
    local name = user:get_player_name()
--top row
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x + 1, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x - 1, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then   
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x + 2, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x - 2, y = p.y + 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
--middle row
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x + 2, y = p.y, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then   
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x - 2, y = p.y, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x + 2, y = p.y + 1, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x + 2, y = p.y - 1, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x - 2, y = p.y + 1, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x - 2, y = p.y - 1, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
--bottom row
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x + 1, y = p.y - 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x - 1, y = p.y - 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    if minetest.env:get_node({x = p.x, y = p.y - 2, z = p.z}).name == "stargate:gateblock" then
    pos_sur = p
    minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Teleporting to stargate B...")
-- Set the coordinates of stargate B here (or where you want people to teleport to on using stargate B)
    user:setpos({x = pos_sur.x - 1, y = -20000, z = pos_sur.z + 1})
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by jpenguin » Sun Jun 24, 2012 18:46

Looks great, now we could really use a multiword plugin

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by SegFault22 » Sun Jun 24, 2012 20:05

I'm working on it, but this is still under development - I haven't even set up the walk-through-the-gate teleport function, OR metadata for the teleport coordinates and the ID of a gate when it's DHD is placed. It's got a long way to go.
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by czahrte » Mon Jun 25, 2012 00:09

what about using the pointed_thing_under function along with a check to see if the player is directly in front of the stargate
Something like this but in LUA:

IF pointed_thing_under = stargate:event_horizon AND Player_position = (X1,Y1,Z1 OR X2,Y2,Z2 OR X3,Y3,Z3 {Player is directly in front of stargate})
THEN set Player_position = X,Y,Z {Destination Gate}

I dont know LUA programming yet ( i'm trying to learn ) but maybe this could help trigger the teleport

Or possibly a non-flowing liquid that triggers the teleport when entered (like Lava but it teleports the player instead of damaging them)
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by LolManKuba » Mon Jun 25, 2012 00:22

Segfault make it so whenever you put all the stuff that u need to craft, you can craft 2 of them.

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by Mineing Master » Tue Jun 26, 2012 16:34

I downloaded the latest file ad I exstracted the files but the pictures didn't come out. Please healp

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by SegFault22 » Thu Jun 28, 2012 06:05

what about using the pointed_thing_under function along with a check to see if the player is directly in front of the stargate
Something like this but in LUA:
IF pointed_thing_under = stargate:event_horizon AND Player_position = (X1,Y1,Z1 OR X2,Y2,Z2 OR X3,Y3,Z3 {Player is directly in front of stargate})
THEN set Player_position = X,Y,Z {Destination Gate}
I dont know LUA programming yet ( i'm trying to learn ) but maybe this could help trigger the teleport

This might be a start, but I have a better idea:
Or possibly a non-flowing liquid that triggers the teleport when entered (like Lava but it teleports the player instead of damaging them)

In all of the stargate episodes/movies, the ''event horizon'' looks like thick, metallic water. Maybe this can be how this gate will work, too...
I'll get it working hopefully, and thank you for the idea

Segfault make it so whenever you put all the stuff that u need to craft, you can craft 2 of them.

I don't even know if I am going to keep the ''naqueda'' ore in the final release, it may all be based off a /giveme system to keep attackers from making a stargate and going to wherever they wish. So crafting may be removed too. I will not completely remove the stuff, I will just deactivate the lines that make the ores generate and make it possible to craft stuff, so that it may be activated later.

I downloaded the latest file ad I exstracted the files but the pictures didn't come out. Please healp

Did you extract the entire contents of the file to the ''minetest'' folder in the ''mods'' folder? Make sure that there is a folder for ''textures'' and it has the textures, this may be the issue.
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by Death Dealer » Sun Jul 01, 2012 07:12

nice idea:D look into pressure plates to get the walk in teleport thing working.
Keep calm and code python^_^


by Draco » Sun Nov 25, 2012 05:34

I can't download the Stargate mod, it says the file is deleted.

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by InfinityProject » Sun Nov 25, 2012 05:45

This mod is very old and I believe to be abandoned.

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by prof-turbo » Sun Dec 30, 2012 11:42

Nice textures !
You should take a look at http://www.xorhub.com

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by Topywo » Sun Jul 14, 2013 09:40

According to the README.txt this is version 0.3 (just a reupload, no changes made)


If someone needs another format than .zip, just ask.

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by Evergreen » Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:37

Technic has a much better stargate, but it doesn't seem to have a recipe.
"Help! I searched for a mod but I couldn't find it!"

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